Saturday, July 17, 2010

Keeping The Faith

Tonight as I sit here alone in my aunt's apartment, it dawns on me that this week I will move to my apartment and begin my new 'big girl' life. While this is exciting, it is also a big frightening.

I will begin graduate school and do not have a job as of today. I am afraid- but more so, I am amazed at the awesomeness of God. This past week was difficult because I had a job interview and was fairly certain God was leading me to this area. I got a call Thursday that I did not get the job. The truth hits hard when it is true that sometimes my plans are not God's plans. So, I keep trusting.

I keep trusting that He will lead me. I keep trusting that He will guide my path. I keep trusting that even though I am a sinner He loves me the same- and more- everyday. And everyday I am grateful that He does not see me how I view myself. It is true- I am my toughest critic. My struggle with that has always been hard, but I am learning to let go of a lot of those self-destructive thoughts (and sometimes actions).

So, once again as a new week begins, I put my hope and trust in Him, for His help shall sustain me in the good and through the bad times.

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