Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I Stand Amazed In the Presence...

I have been astounded by the joy I have felt in the past few weeks. A wedding in the family, my brother's graduation, my graduation, moving, and starting my summer internship. Never would I have thought this would all happen within less than a month! It has been a whirlwind, but my happiness has not ceased!

Walking across the stage

After the ceremony- Can you tell I was happy? :)

I have already been able to experience so much in a short amount of time. First and foremost, the outpouring of welcome from my new summer church family was a blessing.

I was able to see Kari Jobe and others in a benefit concert for Haiti last week, my first week in my new area.

I discovered the wonderful world of Panera, and think I am addicted now. I have also shopped the grocery store "Aldi". Now this is a major development because I purchased all the items seen below for around $20- ha!

I am so excited and so blessed to see what God has in store for me this summer!

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